Voyageur Magazine Celebrates 40th Anniversary with Double-Issue

Voyageur, Northeast Wisconsin's Historical Review 40th Anniversary Edition cover

The 40th anniversary edition of Voyageur: Northeast Wisconsin’s Historical Review will soon be mailed to subscribers and on the shelves of local booksellers, ready for everyone’s reading enjoyment!

The 40th anniversary edition showcases a diversity of local history articles from the past 40 years. It was truly a labor of love. “I am consistently impressed by the amazing work our students do,” said Associate Prof. Eric J. Morgan, Democracy and Justice Studies, History and editor-in-chief of the magazine. Whether students were reading through stacks of magazines, crafting image captions, editing or digitally laying out each issue, their dedication was and continues to be top-notch. Each issue is a study in publishing best practices and creativity.

From left, Daniel Kallgren, Associate Editor of Voyageur magazine and Associate Professor of History/Humanities, and Addie Sorbo, Associate Teaching Professor of Design, help Samantha (Sammy) Glad, a Design Arts student, with her layout for a story in Voyageur Magazine inside the Studio Arts’ Design Studio. UW-Green Bay, Sue Pischke University Photographer

Addie Sorbo, Associate Teaching Prof. of Design at UW-Green Bay, has served as Art Director of the magazine since 2015. Students in her Publications Workshop course design this 68-page publication each semester. It offers real-world experience and a great portfolio piece for them. The 40th anniversary edition was a huge undertaking as the six graphic design students in her Spring 2024 class put together a double-issue – 132 pages!

Morgan writes in his letter to readers, “For this special fortieth anniversary issue, the magazine’s editors, art director, and design and editorial students reviewed every single issue of the magazine from 1984 onward to choose articles to highlight some of the best of Voyageur from its past. We sought to include exemplary articles that spanned the magazine’s twenty-six-county coverage area as well as diverse topics and time periods. The articles have all been completely redesigned as well. While we wanted to include many more articles than those that appear before you—a fact testifying to the amazing breadth and depth of content the magazine has included over the years—we were of course limited by size and space constraints. We hope, though, that you enjoy this look back at some of the most interesting articles in the magazine’s history as well as the evolution of Voyageur over forty years of publication.”

Voyageur is a collaboration between the Brown County Historical Society and the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Published twice a year since 1984, Voyageur is a nonprofit magazine dedicated to preserving the history of a 26-county area of greater Northeast Wisconsin and is edited by Morgan. Each issue highlights the historic people, places, and events from the region’s past. Further information on Voyageur and the newest issue’s contents can be found by visiting the magazine’s website:


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